What People Are Saying

  • "Shera’s use of metaphors quickly redirects me when I find myself spiraling into anxiety. I visualize the metaphor and it calms me down and puts me back on track."

  • “I appreciate Shera’s sense of humor. It makes me feel more comfortable and disarmed, even when discussing serious and sometimes painful things.”

  • “Shera just cuts through all the noise. She offers concrete guidance that is immediate and doable. Our conversations aren’t fancy. It’s just common sense.”

  • "Shera is an excellent presenter, relaxed, moving, articulate, and funny and her message spoke to me."

  • "I was so inspired by the workshop, 'If You Really Knew Me', that I wrote my college essay about that experience."

  • "I've attended several of Shera's presentations, and I always walk away with an 'Aha' moment."